Press release – Paris – February 20, 2023

Equativ, the leading independent ad platform, announced today that it has been selected as a member of the French Tech 120 class of 2023. Equativ is proud to be included once again in this prestigious index of French startups. This announcement rewards Equativ’s record growth and, new for this year, its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).  Equativ is confident in its mission to help publishers and advertisers maximize their advertising revenues within the Open Web, by offering an independent alternative to the industry’s largest walled gardens.

On February 20, the French government revealed the 120 companies selected to be a part of French Tech 120 class of 2023. Created in 2019, this index aims to support the French technology ecosystem by accelerating the development of high-potential companies in order to help them become global technology leaders. The companies in the French Tech Next40/120 constitute a benchmark of French innovative technology solutions, which contributes to France’s international influence, the development of its economy, and the required transition to a model that is more respectful of the environment and diversity.

Since having been selected in last year’s edition, Following record growth in 2022, Equativ reached net recurring revenues of $100 million, achieving year-on-year organic growth of 30% and tripling its revenues over the past three years. The company also stands out for its CSR commitments: promoting a healthy and caring work environment (programs in favor of gender equality, inclusion, and well-being), and committing to an ecological transformation (completion of a carbon footprint, sector study on decarbonizing the advertising chain). In 2023, Equativ will benefit from increased support from the French government to help address these challenges while continuing to innovate, recruit talent, and expand internationally.

Arnaud Créput, CEO of Equativ, reacts: “We are proud to be part of the prestigious FT120 program for a second time. This selection recognizes  Equativ’s strong growth over the past five years and reinforces our positioning as an independent alternative to the tech giants, whose monopolies are beginning to be weakened. Our rapid expansion abroad has been a key factor in this success and we are delighted to be participating in the spread of French excellence around the world.”

About Equativ:

Equativ is a leading independent adtech platform built to serve the interests of both advertisers and publishers. Equativ provides brand and privacy-safe solutions that empower its clients to achieve maximum impact while respecting the rights of consumers, and combines client expertise and engineering excellence to serve the interests of both the supply-side and demand-side with equal professionalism and technical sophistication.

Headquartered in Paris and New York, Equativ operates globally with a team of more than 550 in 20 offices. Equativ offers the market its own independent ad server, SSP, buyer tools, and media services to fulfill the promise of advertising technology.

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