When looking for a new curation offering to acquire new clients and drive revenue during a critical period, Eskimi implemented Equativ Buyer Connect and saw immediate results.

Find out how we helped them streamline their operations and achieve their campaign goals in the case study below.


Eskimi is an ad tech platform that helps agencies and publishers plan, execute, and optimize high-performing ad campaigns with engaging custom-rich media creatives and advanced targeting solutions.


Eskimi wanted to introduce a new curation offering to its product portfolio in order to scale quickly to acquire new clients and drive revenue during the competitive end-of-year period. To achieve this, they needed a solution that would be easy for their ad operations team to learn and execute promptly.


Eskimi decided to introduce a curation offer, choosing curated deals over classic private marketplaces (PMPs) due to the scalability and efficiency they offer.

Curated deals streamline supply strategy development and management at scale, eliminating the complexities of working with numerous publishers directly to execute PMPs.

After exploring other curation platforms, Eskimi chose Equativ Buyer Connect (EBC) for its intuitive workflow and clutter-free focus on essential features.


In just a few hours of work, Eskimi launched a branding campaign for almost 100K in a single month across multiple African countries.

EBC’s streamlined workflows and advanced user management features allowed Eskimi to create users and different roles, providing a level of autonomy and ease of use that was previously unattainable.

Eskimi’s ad operations team was able to navigate the platform without external assistance to easily onboard the team into the platform and allow them to set up deals autonomously within just one week.

By launching a new curation offering, Eskimi secured partnerships with two major brands: a leading credit card provider and a well-known beverage company.

The forecasting tool, with its one-click activation and insightful live reporting, helped them adjust their strategies quickly to optimize performance. Eskimi’s campaign achieved a remarkable 90% viewability rate on mobile devices, which means higher reach.

“Equativ’s curation platform has allowed us to kickstart our curation offering at record speed. They show that they really understand the curator’s use cases by providing a streamlined workflow. I can confidently share access to anyone in our operations team and trust that they will find their way through the platform without any issues”

– Marcel Sandoval, Head of Product, Eskimi

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