Solutions to

Orchestrate Your Campaigns To Deliver Your Best Performance With Maestro by Equativ

Maestro by Equativ, is the market’s most intuitive curation platform. Designed to give you complete control while delivering high-performing, low-carbon, omnichannel ad campaigns, Maestro by Equativ was created with you in mind and designed to improve outcomes.


Discover the Maestro by Equativ Difference

Recognized as a leading curation platform since 2020, Maestro by Equativ will help you deliver your best performance through:

Omnichannel Scale
Unparalleled Control
Functional Innovation

Omnichannel Scale

Tap into our global omnichannel marketplace featuring top-tier, direct scale across display, video, and native, with over 500K publishers, apps, and leading media channels.


Self-Serve Clients


Deals Created


Impressions Delivered


Best Digital Product Innovation


Percentile Software Net Promoter Score


in Curation Forrester SSP Wave (Q4 2024)

Curation Platform - Maestro by Equativ

Unparalleled Control

Our industry-leading user interface provides:

  • Real-time inventory insights to support planning
  • Advanced and transparent supply management
  • Extensive data marketplace for all your targeting needs
  • Flexible pricing and custom business rules
  • Live reporting and reporting API
  • Campaign activation


Functional Innovation

From ethical media to creative enhancements, Maestro by Equativ offers functional innovation with:

  • Measure, reduce, and compensate for Carbon Emissions with GreenPMPs™
  • Activate alternative IDs to reach consumers in cookieless environments
  • Leverage high-impact CTV, video, display, and native ad formats
  • Additional unique turnkey ad enhancements to come


“Best UI of all SSPs for ease of use”

What they’re saying

“The UI is really easy to understand and to manage”

What they’re saying

“An excellent tool that is intuitive to use and offers a variety of features”

What they’re saying

Unlock Scalable Success To Elevate Your Campaigns

Maestro by Equativ makes it easier than ever to earn audience attention and influence purchasing decisions with full control and transparency. Our innovative technology, combined with the knowledge of our full-service team of curation experts, is all you need to reach your audience at scale as efficiently as possible.

Stop improvising and get in touch to start orchestrating!

Dashboard of Maestro by Equativ, the most intuitive curation platform on the market

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