InSideInGameInsights: Andrew Cassin Speaks With AdInMo
Andrew Cassin and AdInMo’s Yasin Debahlia discuss what’s required to accelerate the adoption of gaming as a media channel to help advertisers harness the true power of in-game advertising.
Q&A: Five Questions With Roqad
Marketers continue searching for identity solutions offering scale and accuracy. We asked Roqad to explain identity graphs and how they can offer just that.
Culture at Equativ: One Year Later
In 2022, we redesigned our company culture and values to gather our 580+ employees across the globe around a unique DNA and a unified brand. Where do we stand one year later? We asked our employees, leveraging the annual HappyAtWork®Index, HybridAtWork®Index, and TechAtWork® surveys run by our independent partner, Choose My Company. This year 90% […]
Equativ Spotlight: Si Wei
Si Wei, a Customer Support Specialist II in Paris shares what she enjoys about working at Equativ.
Q&A: Adrenalead
Adrenalead was the first web push technology on the market to establish partnerships with programmatic players. We recently spoke with them about their solution and our partnership.
Which Format Is Best For Your Campaign?
Formats are a key component in the success of your campaign. We take a look at various format options and the benefits of each.
Taking the First Steps Toward Sustainability
Measuring, monitoring, and reducing the CO2 emissions of the entire digital advertising delivery process is a great start when it comes to sustainability.
Q&A: Anzu on The State of In-Game Advertising
The monetization potential of in-game advertising is clear. We recently spoke with Anzu about the state of in-game advertising and the opportunity it presents.
Summer Campaign Targeting Made Easy
With summer fast approaching, you need turnkey solutions to reach engaged consumers. We look at three key audience segments to target with your summer advertising campaigns and the best way to reach them.